What The Junk Food Advert Ban Means For Marketing Companies

What The Junk Food Advert Ban Means For Marketing Companies


Social Justice and Equality in America.

In recent years we have seen the global perspective on junk food shifting. We are now more aware than ever before of the health risks associated with over-consumption of processed foods. But, due to the highly addictive nature of these products, it isn’t an easy battle to win.

And it isn’t just the food that is addictive either. Fast food companies like McDonalds and KFC spend millions of dollars every year on their advertising campaigns. Because this is where the real power sits. Marketing is everything when it comes to the world of business.

Often people don’t even realize that they are being affected by marketing. You likely walk past a handful of adverts for fast food on bus stops and billboards and don’t give them a second thought. But your subconscious mind has noticed. And your subconscious mind will remember those adverts when you next get hungry. Did you ever wonder why you get sudden cravings for McDonalds?

The Fast Food Advert Ban

A lot of nations are trying to combat the growing health concerns caused by fast food consumption by putting new bans on fast food adverts. In the United Kingdom the plan is to ban any fast food adverts from appearing on TV before 9PM. This is to stop fast food companies targeting children.

Norway is looking at imposing a similar ban. Their version will focus on banning all advertisements for products generally aimed at children. Candy, soda, ice cream. They plan to use a nutrient threshold as a way of ensuring that anything being advertised meets a minimum health requirement.

And this is just the beginning. It won’t be long before other nations follow suit. But how will these bans affect marketing companies?

Key Marketing Client

The fast food industry, as we said, spends a staggering amount of money on marketing. And a lot of the smaller companies will often outsource their marketing needs to independent firms and local businesses. For all the bad parts of fast food marketing, it does help prop up the industry and creates a lot of jobs.

People seem to think that bans like the UK are proposing will lead to a lot of lost work for marketing firms. But most experts agree that this isn’t the case. If anything it will force these companies to redouble their efforts and find new ways to reach their target market.

Companies are always looking for new ways to market their products. Through NFT’s, pop-up booths in malls, sky banners. Some fast food chains have started using customizable DTF transfers to increase the number of people wearing their brands as part of their outfits. Creating comedic variations of their logos or mascots and allowing the design to be used openly. And these are all genius methods of marketing.

A Domino Effect

If fast food companies do start to ramp up their marketing strategies to sneak around these bans and new regulations it could lead to a domino effect of sorts. Marketing firms will see a lot more business coming in. The new marketing tactics will increase sales for the fast food chains. And this could lead governments to create even tighter restrictions on their advertising freedom.

One of the main issues, as we see it, is that quelling fast food marketing is only putting a band-aid on the real problem. Of health education and the cost of living crisis. As it stands right now many people are forced to buy fast food as it is the cheapest option available to them. This is especially true for larger families who are struggling financially.

Dealing with the cost of living crisis is the most effective way to get people eating healthier. Whether this is by increasing the minimum wage or putting price caps on supermarket chains to encourage price drops for healthy food. It isn’t an easy thing to fix, to be sure. But it would go a long way in helping.

There also needs to be more regulations surrounding the nutritional content of fast food. The UK has been working hard to remedy this. With many fast food chains having to completely discontinue items due to them not meeting the health standards. But the USA is still far behind in this regard.

Refocused Marketing

If the nations of the world really want to combat the health crisis posed by fast food then they need to fight fire with fire. That means investing massively in marketing focused around health education. Too many people are blissfully unaware of the health risks posed by fast food. And how easy it is to become addicted to it.

New health and education initiatives are the way forward. Starting at the root. In schools. Many European nations are already ahead of the curve on this one. But there is always more that can be done.

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