Climate Change

Climate Change


Social Justice and Equality in America.

Climate change is real and man-made—the scientific community has reviewed the evidence, and overwhelmingly come to this consensus. In the past few years, the evidence has become more clear: 2014, 2015, and 2016 each broke the record for the hottest year ever recorded, and the extreme weather that scientists have warned us about—more frequent and severe floods, storms, heat waves, droughts, and wildfires—is affecting Americans across the country. From public health to the economy, from sea level rise to national security—it’s all at stake if we don’t act on climate.

What we’re fighting for

We’ve taken a lot of important steps on climate change. We’ve built a booming clean energy sector; we enacted the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants; and we helped forge the groundbreaking Paris Climate Agreement, where nearly every country in the world came together for the first time to fight climate change as a global community. But progress isn’t guaranteed. This administration is pushing for more dirty fossil fuel use, and has announced steps to withdraw our country from the Paris Agreement—threatening the strides we’ve made to keep our communities healthy and preserve a healthy climate for our kids and grandkids.

Ways to get involved

Call out climate change deniers

Is your member of Congress a climate change denier? Check out this helpful list of members of Congress who refuse to accept the science.

Check out OFA’s toolkits and resources

OFA has toolkits and resources to help you organize in your community. From writing a letter to hosting a meeting to speaking with an elected official, our guides will help you make your voice heard.


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