Our country has suffered too many tragedies at the hands of dangerous people who use guns to commit terrible acts of violence.
On average, more than 30,000 Americans die in a gun-related death each year, many of them suicides. In the last decade, more than 4 million Americans have been the victim of an assault, robbery, or other crime involving a gun—more than 20,000 of them children under the age of 18 killed by firearms.
Though most gun owners use their guns legally and responsibly, there is more we can do to better protect our children and communities—and prevent tragedies like those in Newtown, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Tucson, Charleston, Santa Barbara, Oak Creek, San Bernardino, and Roseburg, Oregon.
Nine out of 10 Americans support expanding background checks. It’s the right thing to do. But Congress has repeatedly and shamefully failed to stand up to special interests who want to maintain the status quo—that’s why we’re taking the fight to the state and local level, where Americans can raise their voices at home in their communities.
Our solution to this epidemic can not be to do nothing. Even if we can’t prevent every tragedy, we have to do more to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
When an extreme minority in the Senate stopped passage of a 2013 bipartisan, common-sense measure to expand background checks and better protect our communities and families, OFA supporters refused to back down. We know that local organizing can change a community, and that can change a state. And state by state, we can bring that change to the country.
There is more we can do to prevent gun violence—and we’re going to keep doing our part. Right now, you can .
Another powerful and effective way to take action is to write a letter to your local paper. Make your voice heard in your own community and tell your neighbors that it’s time to expand background checks for gun sales now.
After a minority in the Senate stopped passage of a bill to expand background checks, OFA supporters gathered more than 1.4 million signatures from Americans demanding action and hand-delivered those petitions to Congress.
Pam Simon
Teresa Crawford
The White House honored two OFA volunteers—Pam Simon and Teresa Crawford—for taking critical steps in their communities to reduce gun violence. Their stories are extraordinary, and they exemplify the commitment that OFA volunteers bring to the table across the country.
Background checks save lives. But today, too many dangerous individuals are still able to get their hands on a gun. Expanding background checks is a common-sense measure supported by nine out of 10 Americans—including an overwhelming majority of gun owners—and would make our families and communities safer.
Federal and state lawmakers should act now to close the loopholes and pass measures to strengthen the background check system.
Meet some of the Americans standing up for background checks, then share your story of why you’re fighting to make your community safer from gun violence.
OFA isn’t waiting for Congress to act—we’re taking the fight to prevent gun violence to the state and local level.
Despite Congress’ inaction, President Obama is not backing down. When Congress failed to act in 2013 after the Newtown shooting, he proposed more than 20 Executive Actions to prevent gun violence.
In January 2016, after nearly three more years of inaction from Congress, the President continued to build on those efforts by issuing additional executive actions that will expand background checks and better enforce existing gun laws.
These executive actions will save lives, but only Congress holds the power to fill all the gaps in our gun laws. While no single legislation can solve every violent crime, prevent every mass shooting, or keep every gun out of the hands of a criminal—more must be done, and can be done. Congress must pass common-sense gun safety laws to make our communities and children safer from gun violence.
Gun violence tragedies have become far too commonplace. It’s up to us to make sure there is a path forward. Add your name to fight to make progress on gun violence prevention.EmailZIP CodeSUBMIT
If you or someone you know has been affected by gun violence, share your story today—or pass along this page to a friend to have them tell their own.

Join Connect—the community organizing tool created for OFA volunteers, staff, and supporters. Get talking about the issues you care about.
Listen to OFA’s call with President Obama
JANUARY 8, 2016
The President just finished speaking to OFA supporters about the path forward on gun violence prevention, and what’s next in the fight for progress on this issue.
President Obama: Stand up for gun violence prevention
JANUARY 6, 2016
The President just took a big step forward on gun violence prevention, but a more comprehensive solution must come from Congress.
Get the facts: Check out this week’s Truth Team Digest
NOVEMBER 21, 2015
In this edition of the Truth Team digest, we look at some of the week’s most important stories
Get the facts: Check out this Truth Team Digest
OCTOBER 31, 2015
Read about police chiefs on gun violence, Obamacare shopping, and more.
Organizers keep asking Congress to #DoSomething
OCTOBER 21, 2015
OFA supporters from around the country joined together to call for action on gun violence prevention. Read about how it went, and what’s next.