OFA volunteers are organizing to achieve full equality for all Americans—regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

sexual equality


Social Justice and Equality in America.


On June 26th, the Supreme Court ruled that the discriminatory, anti-gay marriage bans across the country violated the Constitution. All of them. On that day, our union became a little more perfect.

Make no mistake—we got here because of people who fought hard to challenge prejudice, engage their neighbors, and overturn discriminatory laws. At the time of the Supreme Court’s ruling, the fight for marriage equality had more momentum than ever after a decades-long fight.  State by state—wherever there was a chance to bring about change—organizers and supporters advocated for all loving couples to enjoy the right to get married. And it worked—at the time of the ruling,  more than half of Americans were living in a state in which marriage equality is the law of the land.

OFA and its supporters are proud to have played a part in the national movement that fought for marriage equality for LGBT citizens and their families—because no one should be discriminated against for whom they love.

This victory should serve as a reminder to everyone that big, important fights can take a long time to win, but that they’re always worth it. That’s why we can’t stop now—while we’ve won on marriage equality, the LGBT community still faces discrimination that puts their families and livelihoods at risk.

If you’re proud to be on the front lines fighting for equality, add your name today.


In too many states today, you can marry the one you love on Friday and still be fired for it on Monday. Right now, there are 28 states where there are no state laws protecting gay Americans from being fired for the sexual orientation. Some state legislatures have even taken up bills that would expressly permit businesses to deny service to LGBT people. It’s up to us to fight back.

No one in this country should ever be fired because they’re gay or transgender. Federal legislation to protect LGBT people from workplace discrimination is long overdue. Across the country, OFA volunteers are taking a stand against discrimination—and you can be a part of this fight.


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Social Justice and Equality in America

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